Find Perfect Baby Names for New Born


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A name is of great importance in the life of human being. A name with meaning becomes even more unique. We address each other with the help of a name. We recognise each other based on a name. It’s our identity for a lifetime. It’s a commitment. Thus choosing a baby name is a matter that needs to be taken seriously. A baby’s name with special significance makes it even more unique.

As Hindus we should have the same desire when naming our baby. We should want the names we give our kids to give them a sense of purpose in God. Today unfortunately many name their children because of the ‘sound’ of name. Most of the names are just nice words without meaning. In a naming ceremony or ‘namakaranam’ it is important we understand the importance of the procedure of naming a baby. A good and unique baby name is thus a derivative of your baby’s date of birth or the choice of letter that you prefer for the baby’s name.

If you want to name your baby after their birth star (Nakshatra) then you could chose the baby’s gender and birth star (Nakshatra) from the drop down box. Each birth star is divided into quarters (padas) based on which appropriate letter of your baby’s name’s beginning can be derived. If you want to name your baby after an Alphabet of your choice, then chose the baby’s gender and the alphabet of your choice. We will help you find the right name that matches your preference and also beneficial to your baby’s future.

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Ramkrishna Paramhansa

Date of Birth:18 February 1836
Zodiac Sign :Aquarius
Profession:Indian mystic and Yogi

Ramkrishna Paramhansa had acquired renowned fame worldwide. He had been one of the most prominent Indian saints plus mys..Know More..