Face reading and facial expressions are unique to each individual. Over the past few decades the learned ones, have done studies and researches to understand and interpret the people’s faces, facial expressions – Micro and Macro to analyze the character and attributes of a human being! The best way to read a face is to learn how to identify the different facial features and traits in correspondence with their personality traits.
A beautiful face is a mute recommendation.
Your hair is the crown you never take off.
The forehead is the gate to the mind
Your brows introduce you before you speak.
The color of your eye is a result of personality mutation
Sometimes the eyes speak more than the mouth can because every eye holds a story that is unique to it.
You live your life between your ears.
A big nose never spoiled a handsome face
The best curve is when your lips curve for a smile.
Chin constitutes the precise formula for a beautiful face
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