Horoscope sign Virgo

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Virgo in one Line - Virgo holds the sixth position in the order or cycle of Zodiac signs. Virgo is represented by the symbol of Maiden. The ruling planet of Virgo is Mercury and the ruling element is Earth..


A sense of confidence will prevail in this month. Which will not be futile as efforts will be the driving force to get the work done. But yes, you would need some patience as the expectations will be high and the returns will be slow. Just get along with the working towards a better phase and you would do well in your endeavor.

Horoscope sign Virgo

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Virgo in one Line - Virgo holds the sixth position in the order or cycle of Zodiac signs. Virgo is represented by the symbol of Maiden. The ruling planet of Virgo is Mercury and the ruling element is Earth..


A sense of confidence will prevail in this month. Which will not be futile as efforts will be the driving force to get the work done. But yes, you would need some patience as the expectations will be high and the returns will be slow. Just get along with the working towards a better phase and you would do well in your endeavor.


Slowly the money which was stuck will open its purse for you in July 2019. More so after 17th of the month. This will be the phase where you would maximize your gains and you would do well in your endeavor. Try to invest the extra money in tangible assets such as real estate or commodities. The overall gains will be quite good for you.


Career-wise you would plan new actions which will not be easy to implement. But yes, the structural plan which you would have made will be strong with a good foundation. Which means you would be in a better position to take a quantum leap in your career gains. Please read carefully and you would maximize your achievements.


A phase of the month, where skin disease will be a common problem. Which means you would need medication to come clean from the problem. Try to avoid having any outside food which can cause serious problems in the long run. Also, do not indulge much an allergic food. Albeit tongue is the culprit, please make it a point to remain balanced. 


Academic life will not be as per expectations. The learning curve will be slow. So, also the outcome. Retention will be affected by this. Try to maintain the focus and you would eventually maximize your performance. If need be do attend extra classes and you would excel in your working and academics. Good luck for students appearing any professional exams.


The month is again not very supportive when it comes to marriage and love. In fact, Romance will be of secondary importance to you and this would be the reason for fear in your mind. In fact, the more you would be careful with your partner and their mood, the better will be your bonding with them. So, seek time if need be and you would be at a better state eventually.


Luck will be moderate. Which means, you would need little support of Good efforts This would not come easily, as your mind will seek for more ease than of any efforts alone. Do not lose hope, allow the time as it would move ahead. Soon, you would get the support of luck, but as of now, rely only on efforts.

Dates to be cautious: 27th, 28th and 29th July 2019.

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Uddhav Thackeray

Date of Birth:27 July 1960
Zodiac Sign :Leo

Uddhav Thackeray is a well known political figure; son of the founder of Shiv Shena nationalist party. Currently he is f..Know More..