Libra in one Line - Librans are advised to move steadily towards their goals carefully filtering out all distractions.
The general feeling this month will be that you would be enjoying the supportive of all the possible nicest that one can imagine. Yes, the month of February 2020 will be unusually good to native of your sign. But this will the one of the exceptions, as in the days to come, you would experience many more problems that will be bothering you from time to time.
Libra in one Line - Librans are advised to move steadily towards their goals carefully filtering out all distractions.
The general feeling this month will be that you would be enjoying the supportive of all the possible nicest that one can imagine. Yes, the month of February 2020 will be unusually good to native of your sign. But this will the one of the exceptions, as in the days to come, you would experience many more problems that will be bothering you from time to time.
First, the month will be good for dues to be recovered. Any dues that have been pending to be received for ages, will now come in your hand easily. Which means, you would be happy with the way life will progress. Also, you will be in a position to control the expenses that have been rising for some time. February 2020 will see a good time of reduced expenditure and increase in income.
Though good with regard to earnings, the month is not very good with respect to career. New opportunities will get dried up and also you will find it difficult to manage career pressure that you are presently enduring. Try to keep your position clear as the roles that you would be expecting will look greener form one end and shall end up being more difficult to deal with another end.
Saturn position can slowly be the cause of worry. Though February 2020 will not be alarming wit respect to health, but starting from this month, you are advised to continuously do a regular health check-up. Some hidden ailment can slowly erupt and can become a matter to worry in the months to come. Also, if possible, try to visit Dhanvantri temple every Thursdays of the month.
Academically the time is mixed. Though learning will be easy, what will bother you is the process of maintaining retention. It would be a month where despite regular learning, your preparations may sound little less. Ideally, try to maintain the focus and keep a regular schedule to learn your pending lessons as this would enhance your confidence.
For signs looking for good alliance, the month of February 2020 will be excellent. You will come across many good proposals and can be in dilemma of plentitude. Try to be rational and do not over exert. Be clear with your choice of life partner. For married couples, the month will be romantic. You will spend some good time with each other.
Luck and fortune will be moderate but shall not be devoid in the entire month. Which means, you will not be pleased with the way life will progress. But strangely, there will be a support of friends who will guide your actions. It would be a new experience that will put you in tricky situation that will give you many experience in life. In this process your actions will get shaped up completely.
Dates to be cautious: 4th, 5th and 6th February 2020.
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