Horoscope sign Leo

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Leo in one Line - With high expectations and charged spirits Leo is all set to conquer obstacles and emerge as a winner.


The month will start on a promising note. Though towards the middle of the month, some challenges cannot be ruled out. You would still not be displeased with the same. Just remain calm and keep focused upon your task to be completed. You would remain blessed and see much progress overall.  Try to chant Aditya Hridya Stotra for better results in this month.

Horoscope sign Leo

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Leo in one Line - With high expectations and charged spirits Leo is all set to conquer obstacles and emerge as a winner.


The month will start on a promising note. Though towards the middle of the month, some challenges cannot be ruled out. You would still not be displeased with the same. Just remain calm and keep focused upon your task to be completed. You would remain blessed and see much progress overall.  Try to chant Aditya Hridya Stotra for better results in this month.


Financial gains are certain until the first half of the month. Though this would fructify in the penultimate movement. The second half of the month is where one would need little attention. Just allow the time to move on. But until then, maintain discipline in your money flow. Overall the balance in your bank will remain intact.


Those looking for a government role or career can win a surprise after 15th July 2019. You could be asked to join on a short notice, which will make you work doubly before finalizing the offer. Please maintain a good pace with the work requirement, since this would also be part of your assessment. You can be placed on probation if not completely satisfactory.


Keep a good fitness regime. Avoid unhealthy diet as some of you can suffer from poor stomach around this month. Even the possibility of infection or ulcer cannot be ruled out. The fortnight from 15th July 2019 will be quite challenging to maintain good health. Please remain careful from there one. Also, do not indulge in too much alcohol. You will be poor senses.



A good month for students seeking a role with the government. Be it central or state government, more particularly, those looking for a role in the national defense. You can suddenly enjoy a call from the government. Please do not be lenient. Work until the last day and allow results come as per its merit. Please make it a point to remain focused till the end.


Love and romance will be at its best now. Thanks to Venus well placed. Your impulsive act will be intimate and shall arouse interest in your partner. Some of you will take a short trip to rejuvenate. There will be good gains from the same. Bonding will improve with this. For singles, many good alliances can pitch in. Some of you would consider settling down in life.  


The support of Luck will certainly prevail in the entire month of July 2019. Thanks to the supportive transit of Sun, Venus and even Jupiter. Though the occasional transit of Moon in the house of obstacle should be excluded, however, the overall luck factor will be encouraging. Please remain normal until then. Else you can be carried away in the cloud.

Dates to be cautious: 24th, 25th and 26th July 2019.

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Uddhav Thackeray

Date of Birth:27 July 1960
Zodiac Sign :Leo

Uddhav Thackeray is a well known political figure; son of the founder of Shiv Shena nationalist party. Currently he is f..Know More..