Horoscope sign Capricorn

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn in one Line - For the Goat, this is an enjoyable phase when all they have to do is to focus on what they enjoy the most..


The month will be quite intriguing. There shall be the opposition which will demand good attention and focus. This would make you challenge them at every step. However, do not do the same. Just allow their point of view to also be presented to you. Let there be a debate of ideas and exchange of point of views. Instead of engaging in a silly fight and argument. This would only harm you even more.

Horoscope sign Capricorn

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn in one Line - For the Goat, this is an enjoyable phase when all they have to do is to focus on what they enjoy the most..


The month will be quite intriguing. There shall be the opposition which will demand good attention and focus. This would make you challenge them at every step. However, do not do the same. Just allow their point of view to also be presented to you. Let there be a debate of ideas and exchange of point of views. Instead of engaging in a silly fight and argument. This would only harm you even more.


The investments which were supposed to be presented to those in the field of finance and commodities will need little patience. Please avoid Ponzi investments which will not do well to anyone. However, investments in commodities and tangible assets will be helpful. So, kindly make it a point to meticulously handle the same. Returns will be rewarding eventually.


Good time for government contracts and business. You would see some imposition which will be helping your business. In fact, the long-term association and gains with a partner will be rewarding. Please make it a point to get a contract in place. This would avoid ambiguity. More so after 20th July 2019, where chances are high for silly fights which can turn ugly.


Healthwise, the month of July 2019, will be below average since the inception. You would lack the immunity to resist the problems which can be troublesome. Please make it a point to avoid being lenient. There is a chance to meet with silly accidence due to carelessness. Please avoid being one among them, else you would lack the strength that would be needed.


Students will underperform in many parameters. Which is not a good yardstick. Therefore, please make it a point to avoid accompanying with silly friends and also those who are not serious. They would make you struggle in your leaning phase. In fact, you would be influenced by a bad company which should be avoided and therefore, the caution is advised. This would also be a reason for a better learning curve.


Love and romance wise, the month would not be completely disturbing. Though married couples may feel so. Even those dating each other for long will consider the same. Please avoid being arrogant and steadfast in this case. Since many of your differences will not be in your favor. The waxing Sun will melt the sweetness of Venus in this month. Causing differences in personal life.


Luck will not be affected in July 2019. Since Jupiter is better placed and also the wrath of Mars and Nodes is moving away around this month. Which means, the intermittent support of luck which prevailed in the last few months, will make its way to continues flow. Please make it a point to grapple the same with both your hands. This would be rewarding.

Dates to be cautious: 8th, 9th, and 10th July 2019.

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Uddhav Thackeray

Date of Birth:27 July 1960
Zodiac Sign :Leo

Uddhav Thackeray is a well known political figure; son of the founder of Shiv Shena nationalist party. Currently he is f..Know More..