
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Sania Mirza

Horoscope sign Scorpio Sania Mirza

BORN: 1986-11-15
SIGN: Scorpio
PROFESSION: Tennis Player

Sania is a professional Tennis player from India who right now occupies the No 1 position in the domain of Women’s Doubles. She was born on the 15th of November and is a Scorpion by virtue of her date of birth.

Personality scope

Planets Venus & Pluto impact the personality of Sania. Under these planetary influences Sania turns out to be a cheerful, warm hearted and friendly individual who is at the same time highly observant, strong willed and courageous!

Career scope

Creativity and an artistic mind makes Sania look for avenues where she could hone these skills and also showcase them most aptly. Work satisfaction holds priority for her rather than the pay

Achievements scope

Sania’s domain of achievements is influenced by her good stars which is why achievements come quite smoothly to her. The major awards she has been honored with include padma bhusan, padma shri, Arjuna award for lawn tennis, CNN-IBN Indian of the year (sports)

Family and relationships scope

When it comes to relationships, she has a quite open-minded approach and is somewhat casual. She isn’t at all the possessive type and believes in giving her mate enough space. Her expression of love is often very passionate

Money scope

Sania is least bothered about how much bank balance or assets she has. She is drawn towards luxuries and as long as her needs are met, she is happy. Monetary concern always takes a back seat for her.

Health scope

Sania has a moderate health status. Her physical state is more or less good but wrong food habits of the past years may adversely impact her present and future life. Excessive aggression and stress too can lead to a decline of health for Sania

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