
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Ravi Teja

Horoscope sign Aquarius Ravi Teja

BORN: 1968-01-26
SIGN: Aquarius

Ravi Teja

Ravi Teja is a renowned movie actor belonging to the Telegu movie industry. He is placed high in the popularity meters and is one of the actors who draws the maximum pay checks. He was born on January 26th and is an Aquarian by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planet Saturn acts dominantly upon his natal chart and immensely determines his personality traits. Under the planetary influence of Saturn he turns out to be a strong-willed and generous person with an affectionate streak as well

Career scope

A career or a work project that allows him to apply his intellect and establish his skills over all others interests him a lot as such projects allow him to get noticed and get showered with accolades; a thing he really enjoys

Achievements scope

Ravi Teja has touched the peak of success as an actor. His immense popularity and fan following bears a clear testimony to his achievements. Some of the many notable awards he has achieved so far include Nandi award for best actor, Nandi special jury award

Family and relationships scope

When it comes to relationships, he has a pretty confident approach. He seeks attention from his near and dear ones all the time and thus makes sure to try out every possible measure to garner attention

Money scope                                              

In money matters he is extremely cautious. He is rather overprotective regarding whatever money he earns and tries to save as much as possible. Also, he is unable to trust anyone easily when it comes to money matters

Health scope

In matters of health he is likely to switch between approaches quite briskly. At times he may turn a fitness fanatic while at other times, too lazy in matters of health. Also, he tends to be somewhat accident-prone.

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