
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Rajesh Roshan

Horoscope sign Gemini Rajesh Roshan

BORN: 1955-05-24
SIGN: Gemini
PROFESSION: Music Director

Rajesh Roshan, the famous bollywood music director was born on the 24th of May and is Geminian by virtue of his date of birth Personality scope Rajesh Roshan is born with an innate talent of music and that makes him a thoroughly musical and creative personality. His music sense, taste and refinement make him a true Geminian who possesses a gifted affinity towards music. Rajesh Roshan is highly expressive as a human being and is quite adaptable to almost all scenarios of life. Career scope Rajesh Roshan is in love with his career and takes it very seriously. In fact he shows a kind of passion in chasing his career goals. That makes him reach all his targets with ease. He is diligent and tactful when it comes to dealing with career and that makes Rajesh ji a very popular figure in his sphere of career Money scope Rajesh Roshan is blessed with sufficient money and has a quite stable financial future. However, he is lured by the impulse of needless spending often and that may lead him to make some out of the budget expenditure. Health scope In the later part of his life, Rajesh Roshan may fall prey to liver diseases and eye related ailments. If treated in time, his general health will be more or less good.

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