
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Prem Chopra

Horoscope sign Libra Prem Chopra

BORN: 1935-09-23
SIGN: Libra

Prem Chopra is a very popular actor in the Indian film industry. He has acted in several Hindi as well as Punjabi movies so far. He has mainly performed in the ‘villain’ roles. He was born on 23rd September and is a Libran by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Jupiter and Mercury act on his natal chart shaping the traits and attributes of his personality. Immense confidence and witticism impart a lively positive edge to his personality. He is an extremely friendly individual and can easily turn into the heart of a party

Career scope

He is skilled, talented and utterly devoted to his vocation. His ambitiousness knows no bounds when it comes to his career and that urges him to try his best to improve each day and every day

Money scope

He is judicious and cautious in money matters and never takes any risky step when it comes to money. His money management skills are high enough and that helps him acquire financial stability

Health scope

He is not very careful about health and is often prone to over indulgence and faulty lifestyle. This may give rise to some metabolic disorders and lifestyle related issues in the later part of his life

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