
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Om Puri

Horoscope sign Libra Om Puri

BORN: 1950-10-18
SIGN: Libra

Om Puri is a veteran actor of the Indian movie industry who has not only acted in mainstream Indian movies but also in many Hollywood movies, British movies, American movies, Pakistani movies. He was born on October 18 and is a Libran by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Mars and Venus shape the personality of Mr Om Puri. Under these planetary influences he turns out to be a highly creative as well as cooperative individual. He has a unique penchant for solving problems and that makes him a friend in need

Career scope

Om Puri’s stars bless him with a promising career domain. He is able to showcase all the talents he possesses at the right time and place and that spearhead success & growth for him in the domain of career.

Money scope

Financial security & stability never leaves him. He is cautious about money and takes to careful planning and budgeting in order to save enough for the rainy days. Thus money matters will never give him much stress

Health scope

His general health is robust. He is conscious about maintaining his looks and his good health all the time and that really helps him in his health domain. However stresses of life may at times throw his body out of sync

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