
Today's Celebrity Horoscope


Horoscope sign Pisces Nani

BORN: 1984-02-24
SIGN: Pisces

Nani is an actor of the Indian movie industry. He works mainly as a part of the Telegu movie industry though he has acted in many Tamil movies too. He was born on 24th February and is a Piscean by virtue of his date of birth.

Personality scope

Neptune is the planet that rules over the natal chart of Nani making him what he is as a person. Under the planetary impact of Neptune, he turns out to be of a social nature though at times he may desperately seek for his private, lone hours

Career scope

When it comes to the career domain, he shows a pretty indecisive streak. He may find it difficult to decide on a particular work methodology or career path. However, when he manages to decide ultimately, he works towards achieving his targets most proactively

Achievements scope

Nani’s acting has fetched him the title of a ‘natural star’. He has not only worked as an actor but has also worked as movie producer plus assistant. Some of the notable awards he has achieved so far include Vijay award, Film fare award South, Toronto After Dark

Family and relationships scope

When it comes to the relationship domain, he tends to be pretty idealistic. Holding on to ideals tightly may often cause him to overlook the reality of a relationship. Confrontation with loved ones is something he abhors

Money scope

Money does hold an important place in his life but money cannot be his priority over the other things. In matters of money he shows great adaptability and curbing expenses isn’t a problem for him if situation demands so…

Health scope

Inconsistent health-related approach may cause him to suffer from certain health issues and physical weakness from time to time. Disorders related to nervous system may wreak havoc in his life

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