
Today's Celebrity Horoscope


Horoscope sign Cancer Mukesh

BORN: 1923-07-22
SIGN: Cancer
PROFESSION: Playback SInger

Mukesh is very well known play singer in the Indian Hindi film arena. He had actively performed in the 1940’s until 1970’s. His typical style and golden voice gave him a very robust fan following. He was born on July 22nd and is a Cancerian by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Sensitivity, courageousness and intellectuality are the key traits of Mukesh’s personality. His perspective to life is well balanced and he comes with a basic understanding aptitude for almost anything in life

Career scope

The adaptability and mental quickness makes Mukesh quite comfortable with his profession. Joy of work matters to him a lot and he is resolute regarding pursuing his career goals

Finance scope

Financial stability marks his life. He is prudent in money matters and is wise in spending. He understands the worth of money and all his money making decisions are backed by financial wisdom

Health scope

Health issues will abound in his life as he tends to take health casually and quite ignores it

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