
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Mahesh Bhupathi

Horoscope sign Gemini Mahesh Bhupathi

BORN: 1974-06-07
SIGN: Gemini
PROFESSION: TennisPlayer

Mahesh Bhupathi, the world renowned Indian tennis player was born on June 7th and is a Geminian by virtue of his date of birth.

Personality scope

Mahesh Bhupathi is a true gentleman personality-wise. He is soft in his approaches to life and abides by all the rules and codes of etiquette in whatever he does. He is thoughtful, selfless and generous. These traits make him a good human being and a great friend and supporter for his near and dear ones.

Career scope

Mahesh Bhupathi loves his career and chases his career goals with utmost passion. His sincerity, dedication, creativity and detail oriented approach to work makes Mahesh soar in the field of his career most extravagantly

Money scope

Money is with Mahesh all the time and it comes through his hard work and dedication. His career is the key source of his finances. It gives him monetary flexibility, economic success and financial prosperity all through life

Health scope

Mahesh is an athlete in every way. His strong body is an indication of his high fitness quotient. However, in the later part of his life, Mahesh may fall a prey to some musculoskeletal system related disorders.

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