
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Leander Paes

Horoscope sign Gemini Leander Paes

BORN: 1973-06-17
SIGN: Gemini
PROFESSION: TennisPlayer

Leander Paes, the world famous pro tennis player was born on the 17th of June and is a Geminian by virtue of his date of birth.

Personality scope

Leander Paes is a fun loving character who enjoys company of friends and near & dear ones.  Leander is status-conscious and thus makes sure to present him in the best possible way before crowds and fans. He has all the skills to balance personal life & professional life in the most exquisite way.

Career scope

Leander is a very successful man professionally. He is a true careerist who leaves no stone unturned to reach his career goals. His craving for self-satisfaction brings him success, recognition, many rewards and accolades in the field of career

Money scope

Money is always with Leander. His successful profession amplifies his financial domain & his earnings are always on the rise!

Health scope

Leander’s physique is that of a sportsman and no major illnesses are predicted by his stars. Thus, even in the health sector, Leander is blessed with ‘luck’

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