
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Kapil Sibal

Horoscope sign Leo Kapil Sibal

BORN: 1948-08-08
PROFESSION: Politician

Kapil Sibal is a well known politician of the country and a part of the Indian National Congress Party. Before joining politics, he had been in the profession of a lawyer. He was born on August 8 and is a Leonite by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Kapil Sibal is extremely confident and determined as an individual. He has a curious mind that is always on the quest of new learning avenues. He is compassionate towards people and that makes him a very popular figure among the public.

Career scope

Career wise Mr Kapil Sibal is blessed with good luck. Versatility and ambitiousness may empower him professionally and he may be able to showcase his uniqueness as a professional the best possible way.

Money scope

Money plays a very important role in the life of Mr Kapil Sibal. He always looks forward to a stable financial domain and strives hard to achieve it

Health scope

Health often stays at the bottom of his list of priorities. Though he is full of advices for other people when it comes to health, he himself fails to follow the same!

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