
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Fareed Zakaria

Horoscope sign Aquarius Fareed Zakaria

BORN: 1964-01-20
SIGN: Aquarius

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria is an India-born American journalist plus author. The Washington Post receives columns written by him and the famed CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS has him as its host. He was born on January 20th and is an Aquarian by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Moon is the dominant planet on his natal chart and under the planetary influence of Moon, his personality acquires the traits and attributes like decisiveness, determination, resilience and industriousness.

Career scope

He enjoys being in the career he is involved in as that makes his comfort zone allowing a full play to his imagination and creativity. But he needs to watch out on his tendencies to set unrealistic career goals for himself.

Achievements scope

Zakaria’s achievement domain is too full almost to the lees. Some of his most notable achievements include the following- He is the winner of the National Magazine award. The show hosted by him was awarded the Peabody award. In the year 2009 he achieved the award of Indian Abroad Person of the Year 2008. Various universities and colleges like Harvard University, Duke University, Oklahoma University, Johns Hopkins University etc have awarded him honorary degrees.

Family and relationships scope

When it comes to romantic liaisons he looks for a good friend in his partner. He can be quite affectionate towards his partner and may seek for the same in return. Getting pampered is something he enjoys.

Money scope

Money management is a skill he is naturally born with. He is all the time careful about money and always makes use of his resources with sufficient financial wisdom. Making good amount of money seems an effortless task for him.

Health scope

Poor health may often disrupt his course of life and it mostly results from his own careless approach towards health. Taking care of diet and lifestyle habits may help him out to improve himself health-wide.

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