
Today's Celebrity Horoscope


Horoscope sign Virgo DR.Vishnuvardhan

BORN: 1950-09-18
SIGN: Virgo

Vishnuvardhan is a renowned actor dominating mainly the Kannada movie industry. He is commonly entitled as ‘Phoenix of Indian movies’ for his massive contribution to Indian cinema. He was born on 18th September and is a Virgo native by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Mars and Mercury go a long way in shaping the personality of Vishnuvardhan. He has an enduring and energetic persona. He is sympathetic and caring about friends and loved ones.

Career scope

He is very resourceful and active when it comes to his field of work. He dislikes idling away time and always tries to get involved in fruitful, pro-progress activities at the work place

Money scope

His financial condition is favorable most of the time. He is generally cautious in all money matters and is keen on investing money in various effective, high return investments. He is aware of all skills of saving money too.


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