
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Anurag Kashyap

Horoscope sign Virgo Anurag Kashyap

BORN: 1972-09-10
SIGN: Virgo
PROFESSION: Film Director /Producer

Anurag Kashyap is a celebrated Movie director, screenwriter, producer and actor of the Indian movie industry. He is often recognized for bringing about a wave of newness and change in Indian cinema. He was born on September 10 and is a Virgo native by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Anurag Kashyap is a determined individual with an independent spirit of mind. He is capable of accomplishing every little task that he takes on hand. He is a confident individual who can easily cast his spell on all.

Career scope

His career is a source of joy and challenges for him. His career gives momentum to his life and he enjoys that very much. His modernistic approach to work guarantees success for him

Money scope

Financial stability is a tricky thing for him. He is not good at saving or budgeting but is aware of this fact and that urges him to make conscious efforts to improve his financial status

Health scope

He is not so very serious about health. He does not take much interest in healthy habits and that may later be the cause of his decline in health

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