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Astro stone Suhela

About Suhela Stone

Suhela in one Line - Sunela or Citrine with its striking glow and golden-orange hue leaves you totally spellbound. Sunela is a November birthstone and is a potent cash magnet!.

The gemstone belongs to the group of Quartz stones. The color of this stone is lemon yellow or yellowish orange. Sunela or Citrine is often used as a cost-effective substitute of the very expensive Pokhraj and is an astrological remedy for malefic Jupiter

Impact of Sunela stone on personality

By wearing Sunela or Citrine you can turn into an utterly self-confident, morally upright, self-content and lively person. The stone makes you super analytical and crams your mind with new thoughts and ideas. Also, the levels of your self-esteem and self-introspection power are heightened. Doors to a world of boundless wisdom and knowledge are thrown open for you. All negativity is purged out of your character and you cause all around you to bask in the glory of your positivity and vivaciousness.

Impact of Sunela stone on career

Sunela is often referred to as ‘Merchant stone’. It is potent enough to empower your business growth, career success and money inflow. Those who are involved in the profession of writing, trading, businesses can draw maximum benefits from this charmingly beautiful gemstone

Impact of Sunela stone on love

Sunela can make your love life truly pompous. The impact of Sunela can go to the extent of making your blissful relationship the talk of the town. You relish the true joy and magic of love and it involves you and your partner in a fanciful tale of love and supreme happiness


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Ramkrishna Paramhansa

Date of Birth:18 February 1836
Zodiac Sign :Aquarius
Profession:Indian mystic and Yogi

Ramkrishna Paramhansa had acquired renowned fame worldwide. He had been one of the most prominent Indian saints plus mys..Know More..