
Today's Celebrity Horoscope


Horoscope sign Virgo P.Chidambaram

BORN: 1945-09-16
SIGN: Virgo
PROFESSION: Politician

P Chidambaram had been the ex finance minister in the Union Government. He is an eminent politician belonging to the Congress Party of India. He is also a renowned corporate lawyer. He was born on September 16 and is a Virgo native by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planets like Neptune and Mercury shape the personality of P. Chidambaram. He is basically an exuberant and enthusiastic individual. He has an honest approach towards life and is cheerful under all circumstances

Career scope

Work satisfaction is of prime importance to him as far as his career domain is concerned. He needs to derive joy from his vocation and that is what matters to him more than anything else in his sphere of work.

Finance scope

The financial domain of P. Chidambaram is quite sound. His financial wisdom touches the high water mark of excellence and helps him make money and save enough money for a financially stable future

Health scope

He is not very enthusiastic about health and his laid back approach in matters of health may cost him in the later part of his life. It may lead to quite a number of illnesses in his future life

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