
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Vindu Dara Singh

Horoscope sign Taurus Vindu Dara Singh

BORN: 1964-05-06
SIGN: Taurus

Name: Vindu Dara Singh Date of Birth: Wednesday, May 06, 1964 Time of Birth: 12:00:00 Place of Birth: Mumbai Longitude: 72 E 50 Latitude: 18 N 58 Time Zone: 5.5 Vindu Dara Singh born on May 6th is a Taurean by virtue of his date of birth. True to the typical Taurean spirit, Vindu is stubborn as well as ambitious by nature. He loves to venture out and explore challenges and the competitive arenas of life. That makes him a passionate performer who enjoys all the difficult challenges coming his way. His inner mind is proactive and believes in taking actions rather than wasting time in debates. He reflects a rough and tough efficiency through his deeds and actions. Boldness, daringness, practicality are the other attributes that make Vindu what he is. He also makes a great explorer both in reel life and real life. He, in other words, shows an insatiable urge to learn and extend his horizons.

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