
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Vijender Singh

Horoscope sign Scorpio Vijender Singh

BORN: 1985-10-29
SIGN: Scorpio

Vijender Singh is a professional boxer from India. Currently he is the WBO Asia Pacific Super Middleweight Champion. He was born on October 29th and is a Scorpion by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Pluto and moon shape the personality of Vijendra Singh. Under the influence of these planets Vijender turns out to be a considerate and caring person with an immense sense of responsibility.

Career scope

Vijender wants his work life to be somewhat unusual. He likes out-of-the-box tasks at work or out-of-the-box work setting. Challenges and unconventionality keep him thoroughly charged up at work.

Achievements scope

Vijender Singh is a popular name today. News headlines on the sports page flash his name almost every day. This implies that he has achieved a lot in such a young age and is capable of achieving even more as per his stars

Family and relationships scope            

He is family-oriented and tries his best to live up to the expectations of his loved ones. Love and romance are serious affairs for him and thus he always stays away from pastime flings.

Money scope

Financial domain of Vijendra is likely to be sound. He has immense capacity to earn handsomely but thoughtless spending may at times wreak havoc in his financial domain. However, the good thing is that he has the capacity to curb his impulses when necessary

Health scope

Taking wholesome food and optimum rest are the secrets to good health for Vijender. He tends to be careless about the food he consumes. He pushes himself too hard in order to chase his ambition. These aspects may lead to a decline in his health in the long run

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