
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Sunil Chhetri

Horoscope sign Leo Sunil Chhetri

BORN: 1984-08-03
PROFESSION: Football Player

Sunil Chhetri is a pro footballer of the country who plays in the role of striker for I-League and Bengaluru FC. He was born on August 3rd and is a Leonite by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Sunil is an energetic individual with his personality aptly reflecting this energy & charisma. He is witty in his expressions and sociable by nature. That naturally gets him many friends and followers. He is nurturing, loving and caring when it comes to his near and dear ones

Career scope

He is a successful careerist and is adroit in organizing, communicating and applying innovativeness in his field of work. These attributes pave the way for his career growth & career success.

Money scope

His financial situation is mostly decent though he lacks the tendency to save for the rainy days. But somehow he is able to rise over any sort of financial crisis.

Health scope

Sunil has the robust body constitution of a sportsman and sticks to healthy routine when it comes to his daily lifestyle, food habits and exercise patterns

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