
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Sudha Murthy

Horoscope sign Leo Sudha Murthy

BORN: 1950-08-19

Sudha Murthy is a renowned social worker of the country plus a prolific writer who writes both in Kannada as well as English. She was born on August 19 and is a leonite by virtue of her date of birth

Personality scope

Sudha Murthy is a lady of restrained emotions. Her personality is also characterized with a warm nature, sensitive heart and friendly disposition. At times she may turn irritable, angry and overconfident.

Career scope

Sudha Murthy’s career is a kind of emotional refuge to her as she draws solace & joy from her vocation. Personal gratification in career matters a lot to her.

Money scope

Money management is always an issue for her. She has difficulty controlling her extravagant expenditures as she is lured by a rich taste and cravings for luxury.

Health scope

Laziness and overindulgence on wrong food can cause trouble in her health domain. Many of her childhood health issues may escalate into major problems in the later part of her life

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