
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Mulayam Singh Yadav

Horoscope sign Sagittarius Mulayam Singh Yadav

BORN: 1939-11-22
SIGN: Sagittarius
PROFESSION: Politician

Mulayam Singh Yadav had been the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister for three terms. He has held special place in the Indian politics all the time. He was born on November 22nd and is a Sagittarian by virtue of his date of birth.

Personality scope

Planets Uranus and Jupiter are the main celestial bodies framing the personality of Mulayam Singh Yadav. Under these planetary influences he turns out to be an epitome of tireless energy and enthusiasm.

Career scope

He is all the time drawn towards knowledge and learning. That makes him perform best in a vocation that offers him with ample chances to do so. His nature is closely attuned to doing experimentations and innovations at work and that brushes up on his career skills

Achievements scope

Mulayam Singh Yadav had been a much acclaimed political personality who functioned as a strong pillar for the Samajwadi party. Under his leadership many significant developments took place in UP and in the party as a whole. Thus, his domain of achievements had always been bright enough

Family and relationships scope

He attaches much value to close relationships and has a respect for the various relationships n his life. When it comes to the genre of romance, he takes a good deal of time to make any sort of commitment

Money scope

Money is always secondary to him and he is never motivated or inclined to make big earnings. However he understands the true worth of money and thus is never prone to impulsive spending.

Health scope

His health status most of the time remains pretty good as he is basically health conscious and attaches prime importance to all matters of the health. Fitness pursuits attract him a lot.

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