
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Mahesh Babu

Horoscope sign Leo Mahesh Babu

BORN: 1975-08-09

Mahesh Babu is a popular Telegu actor. He is also a producer, philanthropist and media personality. He was born on August 9 and is a leonite by virtue of his date of birth.

Personality scope

Mahesh Babu is an extremely practical and rational individual who attaches utmost importance to realism and realistic notions about life. He is generous at heart and is very considerate by nature. That allows him to get many friends and followers easily

Career scope

When it comes to career, Mahesh Babu shows remarkable discipline, focus and ambition and these attributes mark the ‘secret’ of his career success.

Money scope

Monetarily Mahesh is lucky. Along with immense money earning skills, he also has great money management skills. These skills go a long way in helping him enhance his financial domain

Health scope

Mahesh Babu is born with a ripe, golden health though lack of proper physical activity may take a toll on his well being from time to time.

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