
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

M.S Swaminathan

Horoscope sign Leo M.S Swaminathan

BORN: 1925-08-07
PROFESSION: Geneticist

M.S Swaminathan had been the torch bearer of the famous Green Revolution Movement. He was one of the most prominent geneticists of the country plus an International administrator. He was born on August 7 and is a Leonite by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

M.S Swaminathan is a highly dignified person with a keen sense of perception and keen understanding of the ambiance around. He is also very analytic by nature. The magnetism and charisma of his personality endears him to all.

Career scope

M.S Swaminathan is very picky and choosy about the profession he selects for himself. He feels encouraged and enthusiastic about work if his efforts are continually applauded

Money scope

M.S Swaminathan has great money luck provided he cultivates the skills to manage his money. Earning money will never be an issue for him though managing it will always be an issue!

Health scope

M.S Swaminathan is blessed with good health and robust physique in general but stress and tension may wreak havoc in his life from time to time

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