
Today's Celebrity Horoscope


Horoscope sign Capricorn Jiiva

BORN: 1984-01-04
SIGN: Capricorn


Jiiva who had started off as a child actor is now a popular young actor of the Indian movie industry. His works are based mainly on Tamil movies. He was born on 4th of January and is a Capricorn native by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planet Uranus casts its influence on Jiiva’s natal chart and thus shapes his personality in manifold ways. He turns out to be a sure-footed individual with a strong and alert nature plus a caring streak too

Career scope

Although Capricorns in general are goal-oriented, those who have January 4th as their date of birth, are usually not so very career driven and the same applies to Jiiva too. However career success is bestowed upon him by his good stars and in that he is lucky

Achievements scope

Apart from acting, Jiiva has achieved laurels as a film producer and director too. Some of the grandest awards he has achieved so far include Cyprus International Film Festival Award for Best Actor, Asianet film award for the best star pair.

Family and relationships scope

He is often reserved and shy in the initial part of relationships. Once he manages to open up, he turns out to be very loving and supportive. As a partner he can be extremely devoted to his love mate.

Money scope

He is naturally blessed with good luck when it comes to the domain of finances. This works to his favor because he is often not significantly bothered or proactive with his finances.

Health scope

He is a healthy individual in general, although he needs to be careful regarding stress, which may result in frequent bouts of headaches and dizziness for him. Leg injuries too are predicted by his stars.

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