
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Himesh Reshamiya

Horoscope sign Leo Himesh Reshamiya

BORN: 1973-07-23

Himesh Reshammiya is a multi-faceted talent. He is a singer, producer, actor, music director, lyricist and distributor all at the same time. He was born on July 23rd and is a Leonite by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Himesh has an extremely sociable nature which often borders on extrovertism. He loves to enjoy the spotlights all the time just like any other Leonite. He has a loving nature which finds best expression in his close circle

Career scope

Managing career is what Himesh is quite adept at. His outgoing nature, creative and organizational skills allow him to do full justice to his career

Money scope

Himesh will acquire financial stability provided he manages to give up impulsive expenditures and focuses more on saving

Health scope

Himesh’s general health is quite good as he is thorough health conscious and tries his best to stick to a healthy way of life

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