
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Hema Malini

Horoscope sign Libra Hema Malini

BORN: 1948-10-16
SIGN: Libra

Hema Malini is a popular actress of the Indian movie industry. She is commonly known by the metaphor of ‘dream girl’. She is also a distinguished dancer plus movie producer, director and politician. She was born on 16th October and is a Libran by virtue of her date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Neptune and Venus shape the personality of Hema Malini. Under these planetary influences she turns out to be a highly intelligent individual with a great sense of high morals, principles and conduct. She is also a very judicious and compassionate being who thinks for humanity at large.

Career scope                                  

She does great in the domain of her career. Her versatility and thirst to improve each day makes her fit into any type of job role that situation demands and she generally comes out with flying colors in whatever job she takes up at hand.

Money scope

Her money domain is somewhat defined by the tale of ‘rags-to-riches’. Her earnings are quite decent but due to her generosity with handling money and due to her impulsive spending habits she hardly can save any money

Health scope

She is blessed with sound health on the whole. Her wise approach towards dietary and lifestyle habits keep her healthy most of time though occasionally stress-related health disorders may crop up.

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