
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Dharmendra Deol

Horoscope sign Sagittarius Dharmendra Deol

BORN: 1935-12-08
SIGN: Sagittarius

Dharmendra Deol

Dharmendra Deol is one of the most famed actors of the Indian movie industry. Because of the nature of roles he played in the various movies he earned nicknames like action hero, romantic hero etc. He was born on 8th December and is a Sagittarian by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Jupiter and Saturn shape the personality of Dharmendra deol, making him a generous and warm individual with a cheerful spirit and disposition. Under the impact of these planets the creative streak too is quite pronounced in Dharam ji

Career scope

Dharmendra’s unflinching determination and assertiveness plus boundless creativity make him successful in his career pursuits. He is dedicated to his purpose and puts him heart and soul into work

Achievements scope

An era in Hindi cinema is defined by Dharmendra’s or Dharam Ji’s acting. His many achievements clearly prove him as a powerful actor. Some of the major awards or achievements he has been honored with include Film fare award for best film, Film fare lifetime achievement award, Padma Bhusan, Stardust award for actor par excellence and so on

Family and relationships scope

Dharmendra is amicable and sociable by nature and that makes him gather a huge lot of friends. He takes relationships seriously and tries to maintain them all the time. Falling in love happens quite easily to him but committing in love is a pretty difficult task for Dharmendra

Money scope

Money domain seems problematic for Dharmendra. In spite of being capable of earning handsomely financial troubles often plague him as he tends to be spendthrift and often comes to spend money in an unrestrained manner

Health scope

Dharmendra is health conscious and wishes to maintain a high fitness quotient all the time. He tries to be happy mentally too as he believes that mental health has direct impact on a person’s physical health.

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