
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Dhanraj Pillay

Horoscope sign Cancer Dhanraj Pillay

BORN: 1968-07-16
SIGN: Cancer
PROFESSION: Hockey Player

Dhanraj Pillay is a renowned Indian hockey player and also former captain of hockey team India. He was born on July 16 and is a Cancerian by virtue of his date of birth.

Personality scope

Dhanraj is much more than what he appears to be apparently. His personality has a depth to it and comes with magical intuitive power. He is sympathetic and helpful towards his near and dear ones

Career scope

Dhanraj is a passionate careerist who chases his career dreams voraciously. He is creative and artistic and is able to make the most of his talents when it comes to career

Money scope

He attaches much importance to money but at the same time indulges in mindless expenditure quite often and that de-stabilizes him financially at times

Health scope

He is blessed with sound health with no major health issue troubling him. His athletic body is in perfect syn with his balanced mind

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