
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Aruna Miller

Horoscope sign Scorpio Aruna Miller

BORN: 1964-11-06
SIGN: Scorpio
PROFESSION: American Politician

Aruna Miller is a renowned political figure of America with India being her native land. She is one of the members of the prestigious Maryland House of Delegates. She was born on November 6 and is a Scorpion by virtue of her date of birth.

Personality scope

Planets Venus and Pluto impact the personality of Aruna. Under the influence of these planets she comes to have an artistic and shy demeanor. Her presence is a pleasing one as she exudes warmth and sensitivity

Career scope

Her creative talents steer her forward on her path of career. She is ambitious enough to do her best in her field of career. Thus, she manages to climb the ladder of success rapidly enough

Achievements scope

Aruna’s achievements need no introduction at all. She is a lady truly blessed by the stars. She is in fact the first woman of Indian American origin to have been elected to Maryland legislature and that says it all for her

Family and relationships scope

Aruna considers her family & loved ones to be very special. She may not have a very expansive social circle but makes sure that she has by her, a selective group of trustworthy friends

Money scope

In money matters, she remains cool and somewhat less bothered. She is not fanatical about money-making. But, since she is a wise spender, she can actually save enough for the future

Health scope

Aruna attaches utmost importance to her health and never takes any chances in matters of the health. She keeps herself updated about all latest health facts and tries to abide by those in her life

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