
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Amitabh Bachchan

Horoscope sign Libra Amitabh Bachchan

BORN: 1942-10-11
SIGN: Libra

Amitabh Bachchan popularly known as Big B in the tinsel town is a famous actor of the Indian movie industry. His brilliant acting career started in the 1970’s and his specific roles in movies earned him the metaphor of ‘angry young man’. He was born on October 11th and is a Libran by virtue of his date of birth.

Personality scope

Planets Moon and Venus shape the personality of Amitabh Bachchan. Under these planetary influences Amitabh ji flaunt an extremely charming and engaging personality. He is also a highly friendly individual with a great sense of cooperation

Career scope

Workaholism is one aspect of his work life. He remains too much bogged down in work and may often come to neglect the other domains of life. His perfectionist streak causes him to work incessantly until he has performed to the best of his abilities

Money scope

Money sector may give him a few challenges. Triggered by his craze for luxurious living he often indulges in frivolous expenditures and that may threaten to de-stabilize his house of money and may make him face monetary credit issues at some point of time

Health scope

Enhancement in body fitness may bring about enhancement in health. Thus, regular exercising is indispensable for him if he wishes to maintain a good health. Special heed should be paid to the kidneys as kidney problems are indicated by his stars

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